Search results
At the Lenkeran market, 1961
At the Lenkeran market, 1961
At the Lenkeran market, 1961
At the Lenkeran market, 1961
Xishkeder Village, Masalli District, 1988
Arkevan Village, Masalli District, 1960s
Ikhut Village, Sheki District, 1969
Barbershop in Baku, 1900s
Xatinli Village, Tauz District, 1970s
Bash Geldek Village, Sheki District
Yukhari Oksuzlu Village, Lerik District
Shingiadulan Village, Lerik District, 1980s
Men in national dress, Kuba
Dagtumag Village, Jabrayil Disrict
Man in national dress, Sheki, 1970s
Nabur Village, Shemakha District
Man's portrait, Kuba, 1940s
Man in national dress, Shemakha
Men in national dress, Borchali, 19th century
Men in national dress, Borchali, 19th century
Man on balcony, Guba, 19th century
Young man in national dress, Nakhchivan, 1970s
19th century men's portrait
Gyggylov village, Lerik region, 1950s